Hlynur Hallsson is always “on the road.” The Icelander is a traveler between continents and cultures who, because of his interest in his fellow man, is always looking for contact and conversation with those around him. These meetings yield a wealth of snapshots that form the basis for his photo cycle “Myndir – Bilder – Pictures” from the years 2000 – 2005.
66 pages
16,5 × 24,7 cm
forlag höfundanna, 2011
ISBN 978-9979-9672-1-7
Published after being awarded with the “Max-Pechstein-Förderpreis” from the City of Zwickau, Germany
16 pages
28 × 22,6 cm
Städtisches Museum Zwickau, 2001
ISBN 3-933282-13-6
Hlynur Hallsson received the Prize of the Kunstverein Hannover. This publication accompanied his subsequent exhibition at Kunstverein Hannover.
80 pages
16 × 12 cm
Kunstverein Hannover, 1999
ISBN 3-9805041-5-8
The catalogue was published on occasion of the project “Flags for Gehrden”.
31 pages
22,5 × 20 cm
Kunstverein Gehrden, 1998
Hlynur Hallsson was born in 1968 in Akureyri, Iceland.
From 1988 until 1990 he studied at Akureyri School of Visual Arts/Iceland.
Between 1990 and 1993 he studied at the Icelandic College of Arts, Reykjavik. From 1993 until 1996 he went finalize his studies at to FH Hannover, HfbK Hamburg and Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany.
He lives and works in Akureyri and Berlin.
Scholarship of the Icelandic Government
Scholarship of the Icelandic Government
Scholarship of the Icelandic Government
Award of the Sparda Bank Hannover, Germany
Scholarship, artist in residence, Chinati Foundation, Marfa, TX
Scholarship, Barkenhof, Worpswede, Germany
Scholarship, Land Niedersachsen, Germany
Award of the Kunstverein Hannover (Villa Minimo Scholarship), Hannover, Germany
Scholarship, Sleipnir-Nordisk Ministerrad, Iceland
Erasmus Scholarship
Nordplus Scholarship
Now or never, Höfn, Iceland
abandoned stories, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany (with Jenny Michel)
alltsaman – das ganze – all of it, Kunstraum München, Munich, Germany
Þetta er það – Das ist es – This is it –, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
Textað – Untertitel – Subtitles, Malkasten, Düsseldorf, Germany
Weiter mit der Margerine, with Jona Hlif Halldorsdottir, exhibition in the old herring factory, Djúpavík, Árneshreppur, Iceland
Weiter mit der Margerine, with Jona Hlif Halldorsdottir and Ricarda Mieth, III ein ort für zeitgenössische kunst, Berlin
tungur – zungen – tongues, Kunstverein Bochumer Kulturrat, Germany
OUT / IN, Listasafn Islands, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik
tillit – rücksicht – regard, Nýlistasafnið, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik
Þetta – Das – This, DaLí Gallery, Akureyri, Iceland
Ljós – Licht – Light, galleriBOX, Akureyri, Iceland
nýtt – neu – new, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
Myndir – Bilder – Pictures, Jónas Viðar Gallerí, Akureyri, Iceland
Aftur – Wieder – Again, Gallerí +, Akureyri, Iceland
núna-jetzt-now, Galerie Drees, Hannover, Germany
bara-bloss-just, Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden
New Frontiers, 02 Gallery, Akureyri, Iceland
New Frontiers, Vonarstræti 12, Reykjavík, Iceland
sund – schwimm – swim, Gallerí i8, Reykjavík, Iceland
bíó – kino – movies, Ketilhúsi›, Akureyri, Iceland
bíó – kino – movies, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
BNA-VSA-USA-EEUU, Chinati Foundation, Locker Plant, Marfa, TX
út – raus – out – ud, Overgaden, København, Denmark
allt – alles – all, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
in 0.8 sec., Alte Grammophonfabrik, Hannover, Germany
Takk – Danke – Thanks, Lichthaus Plus Neue Kunst, Bremen, Germany
flar – Dort -There, Slunkaríki, Ísafjör›ur, Iceland
yes, The Balcony, Toronto, Canada
Hér – Hier – Here, Kunstverein Heilbronn, Germany
af hverju – warum – why, Galerie 13, Hannover, Germany
afhverju? – warum? – why?, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
bláljós-Blaulicht-Bluelight-blålys, Window space, Kopenhagen, Denmark
OPID – OFFEN – OPEN, Oberwelt e.V., Stuttgart, Germany
Veg(g)ir, Dagbók, Kjarvalsstadir-Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland
Mißlungene Fotos, Ljósmyndakompan, Akureyri, Iceland
Hlynur vs Hlynur, Gallerí Sævas Karl, Reykjavik (mit Hlynur Helgason), Iceland
10 Fragen und 100 Antworten, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
Verk – Werke – Works, Kunstpreis des Kunstvereins Hannover, Germany
opna dyr – türen offen – open doors, Künstlerhaus Göttingen, Germany
Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland (zusammen mit Makoto Aida)
Grenzen – Borders, Galerie Gruppe Grün, Bremen, Germany
Toilet, Öffentlich Toilette, Akureyri, Iceland
Umfrage und Strassen, Schmitt Ausstellungsraum, Köln (mit Ralf Werner), Germany
Flaggen für Gehrden, Kunstverein Gehrden, Germany
Gallerí Huldu Ágústsdóttur, Reykjavik, Iceland
Retrospective, Galleri Otto Plonk, Bergen, Norway
Drei Zimmer, Galleri +, Akureyri, Iceland
Installation für ein Café II, Mokka, Reykjavik, Iceland
Acht Strassenbilder aus Akureyri, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
War hier, galerie hallsson, Köln, Germany
Tré, Gallery Tree, New Brunswick, NJ
5 Performances, Kunstraum Wohnraum, Hannover, Germany
Strassenbilder, Deiglan, Akureyri, Iceland (mit Ásmundur Ásmundsson)
Gerduberg, Reykjavik
Installation für ein Café, Café Karólína, Akureyri, Iceland
Staged Moments, National Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
Today Is Our Tomorrow, PUBLICS, Helsinki, Finland
OsloBIENNALEN First Edition 2019-2024, Oslo, Norway
Correlation, Mixed Media aus Island, DomagkAteliers, Munich, Germany
independent People, Listasafn Reykjavikur, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
ndependent People, Listasafn Islands, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
TEXT, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
rencontre platonique, Musée des beaux-arts Denys-Puech, Rodez, France
BYLTINGIN VAR GAGNSLAUS!!!, galleriBOX, Akureyri, Iceland
Læsi – Literacy, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
Koddu. The Icelandic Case, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
Leinen los!, 85. Herbstausstellung niedersächsischer Künstler, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
In Deep Water,Hafnarborg, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Bæ bæ Ísland, Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, Iceland
European Attitude, Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China
Asia, Europe Mediations, IF Museum Inner Spaces, Poznan
Neue Kunst in alten Gärten, Untergut Lenthe, Gehrden, Germany
Seitenwechsel, AWD Arena, ARTig, Hannover, Germany
Strip – images in a line, Kunstverein Hannover, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Berlin
zug am zug, Kunstpreis der Sparda-Bank, Hannover, Germany
Passages to Olymp, Sojo Gallery, Kumamoto, Japan
Charlottenborgs Efterårsudstilling, Charlottenborg, København+, Denmark
María mey, Safna›arheimili Akureyrarkirkju, Akureyri, Iceland
Umhverfi og náttúra – Enviroment and nature, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland
María mey, Bragginn á Melrakkasléttu, Kópasker, Iceland
Set, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
Die Sehnsucht des Kartografen, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
Fer›afu›a, Hafnarhúsi›, Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland
SEA SAW, Manchester Metropolitan University-Gallery, Manchester(GB)
Perspektiven, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
Fer›afu›a, Akureyri & Sey›isfjör›ur, Iceland
Camp II, Hornafjör›ur, Hornafjör›ur, Iceland
Akureyri í myndlist II, Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
Max-Pechstein-Förderpreis, Städtisches Museum Zwickau, Germany
Freundschaft, Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
rolex_nord, Atelierhaus Voltmerstraße, Hannover, Germany
Camp, Lejre, Lejre, Denmark
Bahnhof-Lichtspiele, Video-Projekt, Hauptbahnhof Hannover, Germany
Lebt und arbeitet in Hannover, Galerie Drees, Hannover, Germany
Ein Treppenhaus für die Kunst V, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur, Hannover, Germany
Balance Arttrail 2000, internationales Kunstprojekt im Stadtraum Hannover, Germany
Utopische Bürger?, workweb_art, Köln, Germany
Das Lachen des Ovid, Galerie Voges + Deisen, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Transplants II, Galerie Mijeska, Posen, Polen
Hot spot, Kulturbahnhof Eller, Düsseldorf, Germany
Visions du nord – Nuit blanches, Musée d’art moderne, Paris
Non Painters Painting Exhibition, BerlinTokyo, Berlin
NU, North Ausstellungsraum, Kopenhagen, Denmark
-30/60+, Kjarvalsstadir-Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland
Transplants, Kubus, Hannover, Germany
Neue Kunst aus Hannover, Künstlerhaus Hamburg, Germany
StadtNatur, Projekt im Steintorviertel, Hannover, Germany
Eröffnung-Opening-Opnun, Villa Minimo, Hannover, Germany
On Iceland, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
Wandlungen, Kunstprojekt Litfaßsäule, Hannover, Germany
Die Meisterschüler, Bürocenter Weidetor, Hannover, Germany
Ausgang Dressel, Via 113, Hildesheim, Germany
Liebe, Kunsthalle Akureyri, Iceland
Mahlzeit, Eisfabrik, Hannover, Germany
Visionen und Wirklichkeit, Gallerí Gúlp, Reykjavik & Akureyri, Iceland
Pool II, TCH, ARTig, Hannover, Germany
Nomadsland, Künstlerhaus, Dortmund, Germany
Wiedersehen, 79. Herbstausstellung, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
17 Jahre, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
International Performance Festival, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Germany
Stunde Null, Medien-Kunst Projekt, Innenstadt von Hannover, Germany
Visual Resonances II, QUARTAIR, Contemporary Art Initiatives, Den Haag, Netherlands
Skulptur, Art Festival, Akureyri, Iceland
One Night Stand, Kunstnerens Hus, Oslo, Norway
Karlímyndin, Gerduberg, Reykjavik, Iceland
Gebärde, Kunstraum Düsseldorf, Germany
16 Tage, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland