
Lilly Lulay

28.1. –25.3.2023
  • <p>installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023</p>

    installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023

  • <p>installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023</p>

    installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023

  • <p>installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023</p>

    installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023

  • <p>installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023</p>

    installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023

  • <p>installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023</p>

    installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei Showroom Palma, 2023

Lilly Lulay (* 1985, Frankfurt am Main) studied photography, sculpture and media sociology at the HfG Offenbach, Germany and at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Bordeaux, France. Her works deal with photography as an integral part of our daily lives. In her projects, Lilly Lulay uses her own and found photographs as ‘raw material’. She literally deconstructs photographs in order to draw our perception away from the visual surface and towards the material, technical and social structures in which they are embedded. Her current projects explore how the smartphone has changed the functions and appearances of photography.
Lilly Lulay’s photo-based works have gained international recognition and have received numerous awards and fundings such as: in 2022 the AMA Artists Meet Archive project of Fotoszene Cologne, the Goethe residency program at Casa Planas in Mallorca in 2021, a grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds in 2019, the Foam Talents program in 2018, the Olympus “recommended” grant in 2017 (in cooperation with Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Foam Photography Museum Amsterdam), IEPA Residency program Hendaye (France) in 2016, Künstlerhilfe Frankfurt stipend in 2013 and the Deutsche Börse and HfG Photography Prize in 2012.
Lilly Lulay’s works are represented in numerous collections such as the George Eastman Museum Rochester (USA), the Fondazione Fotografia Modena (Italy), the Foam Photography Museum Amsterdam (Netherlands), the Art Vontobel Collection, Zurich (Switzerland), the European Patent Office headquarter in Munich, the Art Foundation DZ BANK Frankfurt and the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Frankfurt, as well as in various artotheques in France. Her work has also been shown at the Aperture Foundation, New York City (USA), Benaki Museum, Athens (Greece), MKK Ingolstadt, Die Ecke, Santiago (Chile), and Ballarat International Foto Biennale (Australia), among others.
Lilly Lulay lives and works in Frankfurt am Main and Brussels.

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